Why might you need the help of real Stucco experts?

There are many reasons why Stucco is appealing, one of them being fire resistance. You can get a firewall rating of one hour from an inch of Stucco coating. This feature makes it suitable for multi-family dwellings that have strict fire codes.

 Those who live in areas where houses have been built nearby can also benefit from this. Most people find the Stucco surface to be appealing. Traditionally, stucco companies Lake Zurich paired it with clay tile roof material and flat roofing.

 Right now it’s paired with metal roofing materials and shingles. However, stucco siding will crack when a house foundation settles due to its fragile nature.

 Stucco on homes that have a firm foundation, can develop cracks over time which can be ¼ an inch or wider than that. There are stucco homes that were made with a spray-on form and didn’t seem to be stronger than traditional hand-troweled Stucco.

 With time, such a home can develop chunks or multiple cracks of Stucco falling off. The best option is to get a reputable stucco restoration Lake Zurich contractor to remove the faulty siding and replace it.


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